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Teacher Wellness

Self-Care Practices for Student Teachers During a Field Experience

Tina Boogren, author of The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide: Embarking on Your First Years (2018) describes several self-care practices for beginning teachers which preservice teachers may equally benefit from. An excellent go to reference available at the ATA library.

Tina Boogren’s Top 16 Self-Care Practices
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Practising mindfulness
  • Focusing on relationships
  • Practising gratitude
  • Practising kindness
  • Appreciating humour
  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Picturing your best possible future self
  • Being inspired
  • Writing yourself permission slips
  • Setting aside time to reflect
  • Reflecting with someone else
  • Having fun!
  • Acting like a kid again (with your class and your family)

Get this book from the ATA library!
