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Professional Development


Purposes of a PD Teacher Portfolio

Professional development teacher portfolios

  • create a “story” demonstrating your professional practice,
  • promote learning and development,
  • encourage self-assessment and reflection, and
  • document professional growth of teachers.

According to a study on the use of portfolios, 92 per cent of respondents stated that portfolios have a positive impact on their teachers. This impact occurs in five ways:

  • Promote reflection: portfolios encourage teachers to reflect and think about their work in deeper more thoughtful ways than in the past.
  • Facilitate learning: portfolios are self-empowering tools that encourage teachers to assume more responsibility for their learning. Teachers who use portfolios are more knowledgeable about issues related to the complexities of teaching … and about understanding that learning is an ongoing process.
  • Assist in job search: portfolios provide teachers the opportunity to prepare and practise for the interview process.
  • Improve teaching practice: portfolios facilitate goal planning when completing yearly individual professional growth plans.
  • Improved teaching occurs when the stated goals are actualized into daily classroom practice.