The Alberta Teachers’ Association is committed to the principles of respecting diversity, equity and human rights.
The Association understands “respect for diversity” to mean adhering to beliefs and practices that demonstrate tolerance; accepting and respecting difference in people and their unique circumstances; recognizing differences as positive attributes around which to build educational experiences; and recognizing the complex and changing nature of the individual identities. Rather than something to be managed, diversity is, in the Association’s view, an asset that can help create an abundant and productive democracy.
The Association understands “equity” to mean treating all people fairly and justly in light of their unique circumstances: ensuring that all people have an equal opportunity to reach their full potential and ensuring that oppressed and marginalized individuals and groups are included in society and treated fairly.
The Association understands “human rights” to mean the equal and inalienable right of all persons to live in a free, just and peaceful society without regard to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender identity, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, family status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of residence, socioeconomic background or linguistic background.
Supporting human rights also entails recognizing and protecting the inherent dignity of all people at the individual, organizational and public policy levels.
Read the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Position Paper 2003