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Student Self-regulation

“Self-regulation is the ability to manage your own energy states, emotions, behaviours and attention, in ways that are socially acceptable and help achieve positive goals such as learning, maintaining good relationships, and achieving well-being. Teaching kids to self-regulate has a positive impact on their academic and social outcomes.”—Stuart Shanker

Although pertinent to teachers and educational leaders alike, student teachers and those focusing on early childhood in particular may benefit from exploring Stuart Shanker’s research and the application of the self-regulation framework in their practice.  Self-regulation is a valuable and accessible framework for children, youth and adults as well as people who work with them. It can be used to address behavioural, emotional and social problems and improve learning outcomes for all students.

Self-regulation can also help people understand and respond to others (and themselves) across five interrelated domains—biological, emotion, cognitive, social, and prosocial:

  1. Reframe the behaviour.
  2. Recognize the stressors (across the five domains).
  3. Reduce the stress.
  4. Reflect: enhance stress awareness.
  5. Respond: develop personalized strategies to promote resilience and restauration.

For more information, go to the MEHRIT Centre website.