Alberta Teachers' Association logo in colour, all one line.


Student Teacher


Expectations of the Student Teacher

This information has been adapted from the website University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, Undergraduate Student Services, Field Experiences (2020). For additional information, please consult that website. Minor changes have been made to fit ATA style.

  • Adhere to the ATA Code of Professional Conduct.
  • Develop some form of introduction (preferably a letter) for the cooperating teacher and students.
  • Build open collegial professional communication with the cooperating teacher.
  • Engage in ongoing professional conversations through journalling and/or in daily one-on-one meetings with your cooperating teacher.
  • Be present on all school days of your field experience.
  • Prepare detailed lesson plans to be remitted no less than a day before teaching the lesson.
  • Discuss lesson differentiation responding to individual student strengths and needs.
  • Attend all meetings with your cooperating teacher and/or university advisor.
  • Contribute/assume responsibility for an extracurricular activity within the school community during your field experience as outlined by your preservice program.
  • Assume responsibility for the prescribed teaching assignment in accordance with the field experience regulations.
  • Plan, develop and deliver a minimum of one complete unit of study, including assessment tools linked to student learning outcomes.
  • Ensure plans are reviewed with your cooperating teacher, along with appropriate resources and assessment tools.
  • Demonstrate competency in each of the categories identified in the final field experiences evaluation form.