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Cooperating Teacher


A Cooperating Teacher Journal: An Invitation to Join a Conversation and Questions to Consider

How can I help student teachers with their own reflections?

How do I “let go” and allow my student teacher to make mistakes, learn and grow?

When do I step in?

The following is reprinted with permission from Welty (2018, 90–91). Minor changes have been made to fit ATA style.

Some of our shared thoughts . . .

How can I help student teachers understand the individual needs of students?

How can I help our student teachers feel involved in the whole life of the school? In the whole life of the classroom?

How do I encourage student teachers to ask questions that are important to them?

When do I know that my student teacher is ready to teach all day? Most of the day?

How do I help my student teacher have a “presence” in my classroom?

In what ways do I provide my student teacher with feedback—with what am I thinking?

How do I help my student teacher who seems to be “waiting” for a little more direction?

What are the ways I can involve my student teacher in planning? My planning? His/her/their planning?

What are my student teacher’s passions, skills and personality traits?

What are some talents this individual offers that could benefit the students? Other colleagues? Myself?

Who is a support system for me in my current role? How do they support me?

How do my colleagues help support my passions, skills (soft or hard) and personality traits?

What is a learning experience that I would like to provide my student teacher but haven’t had the professional development training for?

How do I rely on my cooperating teacher teammates for support when I need it? How do I return the favour?