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Cooperating Teacher

A female teacher talking to a student teacher at a desk.

Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility to the Student Teacher

Within their professional roles, cooperating teachers have the unique opportunity to greatly influence a student teacher’s learning experience and make a marked difference in the student teacher’s professional life. Metaphorically speaking, cooperating teachers could be considered “the knowledge keepers” of field experiences, as a key role is to impart their wisdom based on the knowledge gained from their own teaching practice while providing a supportive and nurturing environment for growth, knowing that there are multiple paths toward successful teaching.

Their responsibility within the student teacher–cooperating teacher relationship is to create safe spaces for learning to flourish, engage in in-depth dialogue for reflective practice, invite questions, share in observations, provide feedback, and provide suggestions and sound advice about what works, what doesn’t and why.

Cooperating teachers are equally responsible for encouraging student teachers to bring their prior knowledge (gained from theoretical and life experiences) to the classroom to be shared, benefiting both the students and the cooperating teacher.

Establishing Parameters
Observation Strategies
Reflection Strategies
Evaluation Strategies
Responsibility to the School Leader
  • Remain up to date with field experience program information (for example, online registration system, contact information) and update school leaders as required.
  • Ensure that the student teacher’s emergency contact information is recorded.
  • Assist school leaders in coordinating the student teacher’s arrival, school orientation and welcome activities.
  • Ensure that technology (school network and Wi-Fi access) is provided to the student teacher for the duration of the field experience.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with the school leader relating to the student teacher’s placement and progress, as well as any emerging issues affecting the success of the student teacher or of the students in your care.
Responsibility to the Faculty Advisor
  • Remain up to date with field experience program information (for example, individual field experience program guidelines, regulations and expectations, and student teacher and faculty advisor contact information).
  • Maintain ongoing communication with the faculty advisor relating to the student teacher’s placement and progress, as well as any emerging issues affecting the success of the student teacher or of the students in your care.
Relationship at the Heart of Every Practicum

If the relationship between the cooperating teacher and the preservice teacher is at the heart of every practicum (Graves 2-10,15), then it is time for the teacher education institutions to recognize the importance and urgency in providing structured continuous professional development opportunities to enable cooperating teachers to establish and nurture school placement relationships.