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- Associated Field Experience Tasks
School Leader
Associated Field Experience Tasks
- Become familiar with the field experience information available online at the various teacher preparation programs.
- Meet with staff to define the nature of the field experience program—whole-school experience.
- Communicate philosophy, expectations and requirements of the field experience program for teachers and student teachers.
- Gain commitment from staff for placements.
- Recruit potential cooperating teachers and provide inservice preparation for cooperating teachers.
- Establish with cooperating teachers a set of common expectations for the student teachers.
- Coordinate the placement of student teachers with cooperating teachers.
- Facilitate cooperating teacher professional development opportunities as they relate to the field experience.
- Working with teachers and a school coordinator (if one is named) and the university faculty advisor, plan an orientation session for incoming students.
- Meet with student teachers.
- Monitor the field experience and communicate with cooperating teachers and student teachers regarding successes, experiences and concerns.
- Establish meetings with cooperating teachers who are experiencing challenges or difficult or sensitive issues. Maintain contact with the university faculty advisor as needed and, if required, advise the university faculty advisor of ongoing concerns. If the field experience success is in jeopardy, facilitate a plan of action with the cooperating teacher, the university faculty advisor and the student teacher.
- Provide the necessary resources to support the program (financial, meeting space, planning time, expertise).
- Encourage student teachers to visit classes taught by other cooperating teachers.
- Arrange for student teachers to observe in instructional settings (other classrooms, grade levels and activities) that may be available and of interest and benefit to the student teachers.
- Encourage active participation of student teachers in school activities and social activities.
- Provide assistance (if requested) to cooperating teachers in the writing of the final evaluations through reading comments and clarifying meanings.
- Organize closure activities, reflection and celebration for the last day of the field experience.
- Reflect upon and evaluate the experience with stakeholders. Involve points of view of other administrators / school leaders, student teachers, cooperating teachers and school coordinator.
- Create a proactive list of strengths and possible improvements for the following year.
- Determine level of school participation for the following year.
- Thank cooperating teachers for their efforts, follow up with student teachers regarding volunteer activities and, if appropriate, write letters of reference if you have observed the student teach.